
 Nuestro compromiso es con tu futuro, ofreciéndote la mejor experiencia en tu transición hacia un modelo energético renovable y sustentable, respaldado por la experiencia y el conocimiento que solo los líderes en el sector pueden ofrecer.

¡Empieza a Disfrutar!


Ofreciendo soluciones fotovoltaicas con baterías de respaldo para residencias, comercios e industrias. Respaldados por HomePower que cuenta con más de 12 años de experiencia y la instalación exitosa de más de 260,400 placas fotovoltaicas, nos distinguimos por nuestro compromiso de avanzar hacia la independencia energética de Puerto Rico. Nuestro equipo, formado por expertos certificados, se dedica a implementar sistemas de energía renovable de la más alta calidad.

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two men carrying a metal sheet

Servicios Destacados

Sale and Installation

We offer customized solar energy systems, designed to meet the specific needs of each client, guaranteeing an efficient and top-quality installation, carried out by our team of certified experts.

Backup Batteries

We provide energy storage solutions with backup batteries to ensure constant and reliable energy, optimizing the energy independence and security of our customers.

Maintenance and Service

We have a comprehensive post-installation service that includes periodic maintenance, repairs and updates, ensuring the optimal functioning and durability of the photovoltaic systems.

Personalized Advice

We have a comprehensive post-installation service that includes periodic maintenance, repairs and updates, ensuring the optimal functioning and durability of the photovoltaic systems.

Illuminate Your Future with Solar Energy

Transform your home, business or industry with the power of the sun. At Home Power Sun Energy, we provide you with tailored renewable energy solutions, backed by more than a decade of experience and more than 260,400 photovoltaic panels installed. Our certified experts are ready to lead you towards a more sustainable and economically smart future.

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  • Reduction of Carbon Emissions: Solar energy is a clean and renewable energy source that does not emit greenhouse gases or pollutants during its operation, contributing significantly to the fight against climate change.
  • Conservation of Natural Resources: By generating electricity from the sun, dependence on fossil fuels is reduced, conserving natural resources and reducing the environmental impact associated with their extraction and use.
  • Long-Term Sustainability: Solar energy promotes the use of an inexhaustible source of energy, ensuring a more sustainable future for future generations.

  • Savings on the Electric Bill: The installation of solar panels allows users to generate their own electricity, significantly reducing costs on the electricity bill in the long term.
  • Increase in Property Value: Properties equipped with solar systems usually increase their market value, making them more attractive to potential buyers.
  • Protection against Price Volatility: By producing their own energy, users protect themselves against fluctuations and increases in electricity prices, ensuring greater predictability in their expenses.
  • Incentives and Subsidies: Many governments offer tax incentives, subsidies and other economic benefits to promote the installation of solar systems, reducing the initial investment cost.

Social benefits:

    • Energy Autonomy: Solar energy allows users to be less dependent on the electrical grid, offering greater security and energy autonomy.

    • Contribution to the Community: By adopting solar energy, you contribute to the development of a greener and more sustainable community, inspiring others to take action towards sustainability.
a little girl sitting in a chair in a living room

The transition to solar energy is not only a step towards autonomy and economic savings, but also an investment in a more sustainable and responsible future with the planet.

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¿Cómo Empezar?

Es fácil comenzar tu transición hacia la energía renovable con EnergyPR:

Crea tu Cuenta

Haz clic en el botón "Tu Espacio" en el menu y presiona Regístrate para registrarte en nuestro portal y comenzar el proceso.

Personaliza tu Plan

Nuestro equipo te guiará a través de las opciones disponibles y te ayudará a seleccionar el plan que mejor se adapte a tus necesidades.

¡Empieza a Disfrutar!


Take the First Step Toward Your Energy Independence!

Ready to explore how solar energy can transform your home, business or industry? At Home Power Sun Energy, we are here to guide you every step of the way to a more sustainable and economically efficient future.

Request a Free Consultation or Quote Today

Fill out the simple form with your contact information and details about your project, or simply click the button to get started. Our team of experts will contact you to provide you with a personalized evaluation and answer all your questions.

Solicitar Consulta    Cotización Gratis

Transforma tu energía, transforma tu vida. 

¡Únete a la revolución solar!

Nuestras referencias

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